by Servpac | Aug 6, 2020 | Blog
At Servpac, we’re always looking for new ways to reinvent ourselves. We took some time to evaluate what we truly do and decided to give our logo and tagline a fresh makeover. We loved our last logo, so why did we change it? Here’s are the reasons we evolved our...
by Servpac | Apr 11, 2020 | Blog
Hawaii Business recognized Servpac as one of Hawaii’s Best Small Workplaces in 2019, an honor that recognizes the company for going beyond the norm to create an enjoyable, innovative, and rewarding work environment for its employees. The Best Companies Group...
by Servpac | Jan 24, 2020 | Blog
After months of preparations, Servpac made its first appearance at Pacific Telecommunications Council’s Annual Conference in Honolulu, Hawaii. The conference took place at the Hilton Hawaiian Village from January 19 – 22 with over 2,000 attendees, offering...